Keep Way Consulting

Keep Way Consulting

Professional Training and Coaching

Cincinnati, Ohio 310 followers

Talent Consulting | Career Coaching | Recruiter Training |

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Personal and Professional Career Development

Professional Training and Coaching
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1 employee
Cincinnati, Ohio



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    I’ve been working long hours over the past few weeks on something pretty special.. Something that I think has been needed not only for my clients but also myself.. Today, I’m excited to announce that I will be releasing a series of career development videos that can help you plan out your next five moves within your personal and professional development! These videos will help you rebuild your resume, properly prepare for your interviews, master the art of compensation negotiation, and also help you develop your personal brand awareness! Be sure to check out my website TODAY for all the updated content and download my free career guide by clicking the link below! Free Career Guide: New Career Development Training Program:

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    Legacy Builder | Talent Consultant | Internationally Certified Career Coach

    🚀 Excited to share the top five software and programs dominating 2024! Here's how you can leverage them into a new job: ✅**Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)**: Mastering AI/ML tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch can open doors in fields like data science, automation, and predictive analytics. ✅**Blockchain Technology**: With the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFTs, blockchain expertise is in high demand. Learn platforms like Ethereum and Hyperledger to explore opportunities in cryptocurrency, smart contracts, and blockchain development. ✅**Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)**: As AR and VR reshape industries from gaming to healthcare, proficiency in Unity and Unreal Engine can lead to roles in VR game development, immersive training simulations, or AR-based marketing. ✅**Cybersecurity Solutions**: With increasing cyber threats, organizations prioritize cybersecurity. Mastering tools like Wireshark and Metasploit can lead to roles in ethical hacking, penetration testing, or cybersecurity consulting. ✅**Remote Collaboration Tools**: As remote work becomes the norm, proficiency in tools like Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams is essential. Highlight your ability to manage virtual teams, facilitate online meetings, and collaborate effectively. By staying ahead with these top technologies, you'll position yourself for success in the ever-evolving job market of 2024! #TechTrends #FutureOfWork #CareerGrowth 🌟

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    Legacy Builder | Talent Consultant | Internationally Certified Career Coach

    Looking to level up your interviewing skills? 💻📝 Here are five key strategies to help you ace your next interview: 1. Research diligently: Know the company inside out, its culture, values, and recent achievements. 2. Practice makes perfect: Rehearse common interview questions and refine your responses to showcase your strengths confidently. 3. Confidence is key: Believe in yourself and your abilities; let your enthusiasm and expertise shine through. 4. Master your body language: Project confidence with good posture, firm handshake, and maintaining eye contact. 5. Follow up graciously: Send a personalized thank-you note post-interview to express gratitude and reinforce your interest in the role. Ready to make a lasting impression? ❓#InterviewSkills #CareerDevelopment #ProfessionalGrowth

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    Legacy Builder | Talent Consultant | Internationally Certified Career Coach

    🚀 As professionals, being prepared for unexpected challenges is key to navigating career transitions with confidence. Here are the top five ways to prepare for potential layoffs: ✅ Network Strengthening Cultivate and expand your professional network regularly, both online and offline. Networking can uncover hidden job opportunities and provide valuable support during challenging times. ✅ Continuous Skill Development Upskilling and reskilling enhance your employability and broaden your career options. ✅ Financial Planning Build an emergency fund and create a budget to weather financial uncertainties. Assess your expenses, prioritize savings, and explore alternative income streams to mitigate the impact of a layoff. ✅ Update Your Resume and Online Presence Keep your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other professional profiles updated with recent accomplishments and skills. ✅ Explore Career Options Consider freelancing, consulting, or entrepreneurship as viable options for diversifying your income streams. Remember, challenges are opportunities for growth and reinvention. Stay proactive, stay resilient! #CareerAdvice #LayoffPreparation #ProfessionalDevelopment 🌟📊

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    Legacy Builder | Talent Consultant | Internationally Certified Career Coach

    🌟 Here are the top three ways to secure a stellar candidate referral from your current team: ✅Foster a Culture of Recognition: Recognize and celebrate employees who refer top-notch candidates. Consider implementing an incentive program or hosting a referral appreciation event to spotlight their contributions. ✅Make Referral Process Seamless: Simplify the referral process to make it easy and convenient for employees to recommend potential candidates. Utilize technology such as referral platforms or dedicated email aliases to streamline submissions. ✅Highlight Mutual Benefits: Emphasize the mutual benefits of referrals for both the organization and employees. Share success stories of how referrals have positively impacted both the company's growth and the careers of referring employees. Harnessing the power of employee referrals not only enhances recruitment efforts but also strengthens team cohesion and morale. Let's empower our employees to be our best talent scouts! #EmployeeReferrals #TalentAcquisition #CompanyCulture 💼🚀

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    Legacy Builder | Talent Consultant | Internationally Certified Career Coach

    Are you ready to stand out and ace your next interview? 👨💼🗒👩💼 Here are my top five tips to own the interview room and leave a lasting impression: ✅ **Research, Research, Research**: Knowledge is power! Dive deep into the company's background, culture, and recent achievements. ✅ **Craft Your Story**: Practice articulating your experiences, skills, and accomplishments in a compelling narrative. Highlight your strengths and how they can add value to the role and the organization. ✅ **Prepare, Practice, Perfect**: Anticipate curveball questions and prepare thoughtful responses. Mock interviews with friends or mentors can help polish your communication skills and boost your confidence. ✅ **Showcase Your Soft Skills**: Use examples from your past experiences to demonstrate how you've effectively collaborated with others, resolved conflicts, or demonstrated leadership. ✅ **Ask Insightful Questions**: An interview is a two-way street. Prepare thoughtful questions about the role, team dynamics, and company culture. Remember, the key to owning the interview is authenticity and preparation. Be yourself, stay confident, and let your passion shine through. 💼✨ If you are struggling to find a career you love and find purpose in, send me a message! 📩 #InterviewTips #CareerAdvice #OwnTheInterview

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    Legacy Builder | Talent Consultant | Internationally Certified Career Coach

    Dealing with a toxic boss or manager can be challenging, but remember, you're not alone. Here are five strategies to help you navigate and thrive in such situations: 🛑 **Set Boundaries**: Establish clear boundaries to protect your well-being. Clearly communicate your expectations and limits regarding work hours, workload, and acceptable behavior. Politely but firmly assert yourself when your boundaries are being crossed. 🛑 **Focus on Your Work**: Redirect your focus to your tasks and goals. Concentrate on delivering quality work and meeting deadlines to the best of your ability. 🛑 **Seek Support**: Sharing your experiences with others can provide validation, perspective, and practical advice. Additionally, consider reaching out to HR or an employee assistance program for guidance and support. 🛑 **Practice Self-Care**: Engage in activities that help you relax, recharge, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Whether it's exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. 🛑 **Explore Your Options**: Evaluate your options and consider if there are opportunities for internal transfers, lateral moves, or external job opportunities that align better with your values and career aspirations. By setting boundaries, focusing on your work, seeking support, practicing self-care, and exploring your options, you can navigate the challenges posed by a toxic boss with resilience and grace. Stay empowered and prioritize your well-being! 💪✨ If you are struggling to find a career you love and find purpose in, send me a message! 📩 #ToxicBoss #Empowerment #SelfCare #CareerAdvice #ProfessionalDevelopment

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    Are you ready to take your career to new heights? 🚀 Networking is the key to opening doors and discovering hidden opportunities. Here are some tips to help you navigate the world of professional connections and land your dream job: 1️⃣ **Craft Your Elevator Pitch** A compelling elevator pitch is your passport to making a memorable first impression. 2️⃣ **Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile** Your LinkedIn profile is your virtual resume. Make sure it's up-to-date, highlights your skills, and showcases your achievements. 3️⃣ **Attend Networking Events** Whether virtual or in-person, attending industry-specific events is a fantastic way to meet like-minded professionals. 4️⃣ **Utilize Alumni Networks**: Leverage your alma mater's network. Alumni are often eager to help fellow graduates. Join alumni groups, attend events, and reach out to those in your desired field for advice and guidance. 5️⃣ **Informational Interviews** Request informational meetings with professionals in your target industry. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about different roles, companies, and gain valuable insights. 6️⃣ **Build a Diverse Network** Embrace diversity in your network, as different perspectives can open doors to unexpected opportunities. 7️⃣ **Stay Active on Social Media** Share your thoughts, insights, and showcase your expertise. A strong online presence can attract the attention of potential employers. 8️⃣ **Express Gratitude** Building genuine relationships is crucial, and showing appreciation goes a long way. Remember, networking is not just about what you can get; it's about building meaningful connections. Stay persistent, be authentic, and watch the doors of opportunity swing open. Your dream career could be just a connection away! 🔗✨ #Networking #CareerOpportunities #ProfessionalDevelopment #JobSearchSuccess #hiring #networkingtips

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    In the competitive world of job hunting, your interview performance can make all the difference in securing that dream job... Here are some key interviewing tactics to elevate your game: 💼✨ 🔎**Thorough Research**: Knowledge is power. Dive deep into the company's background, values, and recent achievements. 🎤**Tailor Your Responses**: Craft compelling answers that highlight how your skills and experiences make you the perfect fit for the role. 🥇**Quantify Your Achievements**: Use numbers to quantify your successes in previous roles. (i.e. revenue growth, project completion times, or cost savings, concrete metrics) 🌟**Behavioral STAR Technique**: Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to provide a clear and concise narrative of your accomplishments. ❓**Ask Smart Questions**: Prepare thoughtful questions that showcase your genuine interest in the company and role. 💵**Negotiation Preparation**: Research industry standards and be prepared to articulate the value you bring to the organization. 💻**Virtual Interview Etiquette**: Ensure a professional background, good lighting, and test your technology beforehand. By mastering these tactics, you'll not only stand out but also increase your chances of landing higher-paying career opportunities.🚀 If you are currently looking for a new career opportunity and are unsure what the next best steps should be. Reach out to me directly! 📩 #CareerTips #InterviewSuccess #JobHunting #newopportunityawaits #jobhunting #interviewtips #newchallenge

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