Aspire Legislation Matters Meeting

Aspire Legislation Matters Meeting

This event is no longer active.

The Aspire Legislation Matters series is an opportunity for member investors to spend time with elected officials.  The program features lively discussion about public policy issues and specific legislation.  Attendees are invited to submit questions and “vote” on key issues to give elected officials a visual cue on the local business community vibe.

March 5 Featured Program:  Virtual panel discussion with our delegation to the Indiana General Assembly.  And don’t miss our LIVE TRIVIA GAME, “Are you smarter than a legislator?” where you can win prizes and have fun testing your IN history knowledge!  (To play, you will need a second internet-enabled device like your smartphone or tablet.)

A healthy business environment is essential to growing the economy, creating jobs, and improving our quality of life.  Join us to learn about top issues and advocate for your business!

Pre-registration for this event closes at 5pm on Thursday, March 4.

The 2021 Aspire Legislation Matters Series includes the following programs:

January 8 - Panel discussion with our State Legislators

March 5 - Panel discussion with our State Legislators

June 24 - Greenwood "State of the City" address with Greenwood Mayor Mark Myers

August 19  - Luncheon with federal or statewide elected official 

October 7 - "Municipal Matters" panel discussion with our local city and town elected leaders

November 11 - "Pints & Policy" reception and fireside chat with our State Legislators


Duke Energy
Presenting Sponsor
Duke Energy
Van Valer Law Firm, LLP
Presenting Sponsor
Van Valer Law Firm, LLP
ASAP Payroll Service
Advocacy Sponsor
Community Hospital South
Advocacy Sponsor
Compass Pointe CPAs, LLP
Advocacy Sponsor
The Garrett Companies
Advocacy Sponsor
GRW Engineers
Advocacy Sponsor
IT Indianapolis
Advocacy Sponsor
Advocacy Sponsor
Johnson Memorial Health
Advocacy Sponsor
Myers for Greenwood
Advocacy Sponsor
Scannell Properties
Advocacy Sponsor